King Cake Filling

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Meet our February Spice Blend of the Month! King Cake Filling. Each month we feature a spice blend that's available for one month only. Don't miss the opportunity to add this Spice Blend of the Month to your pantry.

It's Carnival Time! King Cake Filling is exactly what you need to roll into Mardi Gras with delicious desserts, muffins, cookies and, of course, King Cake!

Our King Cake Filling is hand-blended in house using Vietnamese Cinnamon, a touch of cardamom and nutmeg plus fragrant and satisfying Vanilla Bean Sugar and Cinnamon Sugar. 

Add King Cake Filling to cream cheese for layering into King Cake dough. We love it for creating a fun pull-apart monkey bread. If you're short on time, make this Crescent Roll King Cake and don't be shy when sprinkling on the filling. We love King Cake Filling on oatmeal, yogurt, buttered toast and on banana bread batter just before baking.

Missed this spice of the month? Try these products:
British Cake Spice
Chai Spice
Vanilla Bean Sugar
Cinnamon Sugar

Ingredients: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Vanilla Sugar, Cinnamon Sugar

6 oz jar


Crescent Roll King Cake
Classic Braided King Cake
Mardi Gras Pull Apart Bread
King Cake Muffins

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